Thursday, November 30
what happened?
okay, i'm a little late w/ this post but i was looking at back posts that i wrote and thought of it. last october...13, october '05 to be exact, i wrote a post about all the ladybugs that were all over the place...literally. there were everywhere!! you couldn't open a door w/out at least 3 flying into your house. this year? none. well...that's not exactly true. i saw one! just one...on my birthday! it was on the windshield of the car for like 10 mins. then it was gone. it was super cute to see one on my birthday since i love them, but what happened? is it this crazy "el~nino" weather we're having? strange! ciao!
gilmore girls
do any of you watch 'gilmore girls'? i got into the show in like march i think. i love it!! i watch it with my mom every tuesday and any other day we feel like watching it, thanks to dvds and abc family!!
so, i cannot wait until next tuesday!! i so want luke to kick christophers' ass!!! luke and lorelai belong together! they are soul mates!! can't she see it? can't he see it? i keep seeing the coming attractions where luke and chris are stomping towards eachother and i'm like "go luke!!! kick his ass!!!! win back your woman and don't let go no matter how much she can't commit to a freakin' relationship!!!". can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! sorry, but i love that show and i so want luke and lorelai to be together!!
if any fans are out there and you read this...comment!! i want to know what other people think about the luke---lorelai---christopher triangle!
also, i have seasons 1, 2 and 3 up for sale on ebay! check it out!! if you click on the title of this post, it will bring you to my "me" page where you can see them and other items i have up for sale! ciao!!
so, i cannot wait until next tuesday!! i so want luke to kick christophers' ass!!! luke and lorelai belong together! they are soul mates!! can't she see it? can't he see it? i keep seeing the coming attractions where luke and chris are stomping towards eachother and i'm like "go luke!!! kick his ass!!!! win back your woman and don't let go no matter how much she can't commit to a freakin' relationship!!!". can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! sorry, but i love that show and i so want luke and lorelai to be together!!
if any fans are out there and you read this...comment!! i want to know what other people think about the luke---lorelai---christopher triangle!
also, i have seasons 1, 2 and 3 up for sale on ebay! check it out!! if you click on the title of this post, it will bring you to my "me" page where you can see them and other items i have up for sale! ciao!!
crazy weather!!!!!
is anybody else having crazy weather? right now, it's 5:40am and 62 degrees...the high for today, which is usually reached at around 4pm is only suppose to be 46 degrees! hello? our high for today is going to be 19 degrees lower than it is right now! is that crazy or what? and! it gets worse! friday we are suppose to have a mix of rain AND snow! and by saturday it's all going to be snow!! yikes!! now it's raining! so rain---rain & snow---snow! that's our weather!
i know i talk alot about weather here! i love it...i really do! i can literally watch the weather channel for like hours. it's me anyway! had to share the crazy weather we are having here! ciao!!
i know i talk alot about weather here! i love it...i really do! i can literally watch the weather channel for like hours. it's me anyway! had to share the crazy weather we are having here! ciao!!
Wednesday, November 15
going once...going twice...sold!!!
hey! i have some stuff up for sale at ebay. click on the title of this post and it will bring you to my page at ebay and you can check out what i'm selling. maybe there is something there for you or a friend? check it out!! ciao!!!
Tuesday, November 14
i updated my blog. so cool. i hated this beta thing before, but now that i know i can change the colors and stuff, it's sooooo much fun!! it's like me and someone else can have the same exact template but each looks different 'cause we can change it to match our styles. or just colors we really love. i love it!! had to share. ciao!
Friday, October 20
random celebrity news
i don't usually talk about celebrity crap on here. i don't know why, it's kinda like my guilty pleasure. i absolutely love "best week ever" and "the soup", which i think should be on 5 days a week, but that's just me. wasn't joel so cute last friday (10/13)? his voice was totally going on him but he still managed to do the show! i guess there are just soooo many celeb. blogs out there i wouldn't talk so much about it. here are some things i wanted to comment on!
the mccartney divorce continues
on the front page of comcast, in the news section it says that "heather mills claims paul attacked and stabbed her." i can't help but laugh. i don't know him but he definitely doesn't seem like the kinda of person that would attack and stab his wife or anyone for that matter, unless it was in self-defense. this just seems like "i'm losing this and i want to come out of this w/ some money so what can i say? oh yes, he stabbed me!". pathetic!
i think that's it. probably more but i am literally falling asleep here! ciao!
the mccartney divorce continues
on the front page of comcast, in the news section it says that "heather mills claims paul attacked and stabbed her." i can't help but laugh. i don't know him but he definitely doesn't seem like the kinda of person that would attack and stab his wife or anyone for that matter, unless it was in self-defense. this just seems like "i'm losing this and i want to come out of this w/ some money so what can i say? oh yes, he stabbed me!". pathetic!
i think that's it. probably more but i am literally falling asleep here! ciao!
66 more days!!!!
until what you might be wondering? until Christmas! yikes! this year has just been flying. i can't believe we are that close to Christmas! soon the snow will start falling. oh wait! that's suppose to happen monday! double yikes! too soon! so start shopping now! like i should talk. i'm always a last minute person or maybe this year not-at-all-person. the job Gods are just not shining on me! :( so, everyone else, start shopping now!!! lol it'll be here before you know it! ciao!
Saturday, September 23
fall is here!!!!!!
i absolutely ♥LOVE♥ fall!!! it is the best season out of the four. i even have a list of why i love fall so much! here ya go!
reasons i ♥ fall
1. the changing of the leaves (gotta love those colors!)
2. halloween (my favorite holiday)
3. the way the leaves crunch under your feet when you walk on them
4. the sound the leaves make when they blow down the street after a gusty wind
5. the wind!!
6. the sound of the wind chimes outside
7. my birthday!!
8. the crisp air
9. the way the moon looks against the night sky (it's different in fall)
10. hot cocoa and spiced cider drinks
11. the way you have to cover up w/ an extra blanket
12. all of it...i love it all!
i really believe that fall is like a magic season. there is definitely magic in the air. the way the season just flows. i wish it just lasted longer. like do away w/ winter and summer. fall and spring!! that would be just perfect! not too hot, not too cold...just perfect!! i love it!! enjoy it all!! ciao!!
reasons i ♥ fall
1. the changing of the leaves (gotta love those colors!)
2. halloween (my favorite holiday)
3. the way the leaves crunch under your feet when you walk on them
4. the sound the leaves make when they blow down the street after a gusty wind
5. the wind!!
6. the sound of the wind chimes outside
7. my birthday!!
8. the crisp air
9. the way the moon looks against the night sky (it's different in fall)
10. hot cocoa and spiced cider drinks
11. the way you have to cover up w/ an extra blanket
12. all of it...i love it all!
i really believe that fall is like a magic season. there is definitely magic in the air. the way the season just flows. i wish it just lasted longer. like do away w/ winter and summer. fall and spring!! that would be just perfect! not too hot, not too cold...just perfect!! i love it!! enjoy it all!! ciao!!
Tuesday, September 19
ooo...that smell
have you ever been outside right before a rainfall or a snowfall and the air has a certain smell to it? like you know it's gonna rain or snow soon. they each have different scents by the way. but you know, like you sniff and say "hmm...gonna rain soon" or "hmm...gonna snow soon". you just know. well tonite when i was walking out of the grocery store the air had that scent to it. i got in the car and said to my mom, "wanna hear something strange?". "ok". "the air smells like snow." she was now as perplexed as me. did get cooler here, way cooler. it was in the 80's on friday and today, tuesday, it only reached mid 50. that is a 25-30 degress difference, but the smell of snow in the air. strange. she noticed it when we got home. right now, it's 49, but still not cold enough for snow. too early too! they said it was gonna rain and i would understand the smell of rain in the air, but not snow. i like snow, but it's way too early! i don't think it's gonna snow, it was just way too strange. had to share. ciao!
Wednesday, September 13
it's about damn time! that's all i have to say. about what you might be thinking to yourself. about time the pizza huts here in indiana got real breadsticks. i haven't had the real thing, the ones with the melted cheese on them since i was last in jersey, which was 5 years ago! 5---five! that's a long time. when i lived in jersey i went to pizza hut almost every weekend and got these delicious breadsticks. after we moved here, my mom and i decided to go get yourselves some and was so damn dissapointed when they brought us out these plain breadsticks with a cup of melted cheese to dip them in. what? and the cheese wasn't even mozarella, it was some kind of yellow cheese, not cheddar, i think it was american. ick...ick...ick!!! what the hell kind of crap is this? we were disgusted and majorly dissapointed. it was bad enough we couldn't get real new york style italian pizza (we did eventually find a place with real new yorkers) and there was nowhere to get a real italian sub (still haven't found) and there was a serious lack of cute unmarried guys, but we'll save that for another post, but this! we were so desperate that we tried like every pizza hut in the area. there's alot here and none! none! until now! oh joy! there were so good. i weep at their goodness! sad i know but if you didn't have something for 5 years and then had it again after that l-o-n-g time and it was so damn'd weep too. don't lie! had to share and kudos! to you indiana pizza huts for finally coming to your damn senses. by the way, they are called "cheesy sticks" here if you want to try them. ciao!!
Monday, September 11
5 years later
Today, sadly, marked 5 years since the attack on the United States. 5 years! That is such a long time. It seemed like it just happened yesterday. It still kinda seems like a dream too. More like a nightmare but you know what I mean. I still remember where I was when it happened. I was at work. It was a year and a month since I moved from New Jersey to Indiana. I had also just gotten back from a vacation to New Jersey a few weeks earlier, by plane. I use to live in a small town w/ alot of people in Jersey. Sounds familiar doesn't it. 16 miles southwest of New York City and those Towers. I could actually see them from certain areas from where I lived. I use to stare at them every chance I could, wishing and hoping that one day I would live in that magical city. I wanted to be like those towers in a way...larger than life. Make a name for myself. It's silly I know, but it was my dream. August 21st would be the last day I would see those towers and everyone else I loved in New Jersey. They are all still alive, I'm just so scared to go fly on a plane. Still...5 years later! So, there I was at work and it seemed unreal to me. I just wanted to go home, be with my family. It was the longest 8 hours of my life. When I did get home, I was glued to the tv, just watching over and over again, wondering when I was going to wake up from this horrific nightmare. All those lives...gone. I feel so much for those people that lost loved ones that day from those attacks. I can't imagine what they must have gone through. I even had a nightmare that night. I was in a car with my Mom driving on the overpass in Jersey that we would always have to drive over and it a was spot where you could almost always see the towers. I looked over and said "Stop the car!". She stopped and we both got out, looked over and then a plane went into one of the towers. I woke up sweating and crying. It seemed so real. Even the days that followed seemed surreal. I live pretty close to an airport and not hearing any planes was so scary. Like the world stopped and it did in a way. I hope to God we never have to go through any of that again. I don't want to be scared anymore. I want to be able to go on a plane again and visit my relatives and friends. I can't let them scare me. 5 years later...I'm ready not to be scared. God Bless!
Thursday, September 7
new blog!
hello all and happy late september! hope you all had a great summer and great labor day! i think summer went by way too fast but i love fall so i'm not complaining. i started a new blog. it's called "A lipstick or lipgloss a day". it's my journey through my many lipsticks and my attempt to wear them all. check it out. i posted the link. ciao!
Tuesday, August 1
happy august!
of course i'm still not sure what's so happy about it. it's the hottest day of the year and there are no holidays!!! none! not on the u.s. calendar anyways. are there any holidays for the rest of you countries out there? let me know! either way...stay cool! ciao!
something you wouldn't see in new jersey
hot summer day...children...lined up...outside...waiting for it to open...library. me and my mom saw actual children lined up outside the library waiting for it to open. a library!! i swear the people in indiana are so...different. you would never see that in new jersey. never! the only time kids went to a library in the summer is if there was nothing else to do and that was the only place they knew that had air-conditioning. and, they definitely wouldn't be waiting for the place to open! here's the kicker! they weren't just lined up at the front door. they were lined up at the back door too!!! i know it's good for kids to go to the library and was just strange. it's like seeing old people lined up outside waiting for the nursing home to open so they can get the good room. things like that just don't happen! had to share! ciao!
Saturday, July 22
my new background
don't you just love my new background? it's so cool and i absolutely love hibiscus flowers. so tropical! it makes me want to copy the design onto my bedroom wall or door. i think i shall do just that on sunday! ahhh...inspiration! it comes in the strangest ways sometimes.
the new idiot box
when people talk about the "idiot box" one automatically assumes they are talking about the television. not me...anymore. the new "idiot box" for me is the computer. while it has broadened my knowledge, it basically replaced the tv. now instead of sitting in front of the tv for hours, i sit in front of the computer. it is indeed the new "idiot box". so, i have decided to give up the computer! for a day a week anyway. let's not do anything stupid now. when i did write those 4 poems in one day, i didn't have a computer then. ok, i did. i definitely wasn't on it as much as i am now! i think i need to get away from this contraption in order to get my inspiration back. so on sundays, i'm just gonna study the guitar or french, or read a book, maybe take a walk. something, anything to get my inspiration back. wish me luck! peace!
i need inspiration! for what you might ask. for anything! it recently occured to me that i have not written a poem in a very long time. i, one time, wrote 4 poems in one day. i'm not bragging, but now i'm lucky if i can write 4 in 1/2 a year! so sad. where has my inspiration gone? and more importantly, when shall it return?
Saturday, July 15
here comes the sun...
do da do do...ok enough singing. well, summer has been here for about a month and it's finally starting to kick in. it will be in the 90's all week. it started like 2 days ago. we have been making dinners in the toaster oven, 'cause it is too damn hot to put the regular oven on. which sucks. i am craving french fries!!! i swear i can eat them every day. please let some coolness come so i can have french fries!
the #1 thing that pisses me off more than the summer heat, is the local weather people letting us know how hot it is. "well it's a scorcher today. better stay inside. you do not want to be outside today with these temperatures." and so on. like we don't know how hot it is. i swear they must think we are stupid. and it happens every single year. ridiculous!!
so, here is to cooler weather and less stupid weather people. cheers!!
the #1 thing that pisses me off more than the summer heat, is the local weather people letting us know how hot it is. "well it's a scorcher today. better stay inside. you do not want to be outside today with these temperatures." and so on. like we don't know how hot it is. i swear they must think we are stupid. and it happens every single year. ridiculous!!
so, here is to cooler weather and less stupid weather people. cheers!!
Tuesday, July 11
a legend has passed on
Monday, July 10
miles away from ordinary
if you watch tv, then i am positive that at one time or another you have seen those corona commercials. the man or the couple just laying in their beach chairs drinking coronas. i want so badly to be where they are. just laying on the sand and staring at the ocean without a care in the world. it's beautiful. does anyone know where these commercials are filmed? if so, please tell me.
Saturday, July 1
how many guys does it take to go food shopping?
apparently 6. i went food shopping with my mom earlier today and there were 6 guys, all together, also food shopping. i was calling them "guy squad". they kept blocking whole aisles, it was kinda annoying. we saw them in the parking lot and it looked like they were going camping w/ the ice and coolers and stuff like that. but, seriously, it takes 6 of you guys to go shopping for 1 weekend? can you imagine if they had to do a whole weeks worth of shopping? they would probably need like 10 more guys to help!! this is like living proof that you guys cannot live w/out us women. you should really be nicer to us!! i wish i had it on camera. had to share. ciao!!
Friday, June 30
who gets more pathetic everyday?

why ms. britney spears does!!! by now you have seen the pic that will soon grace the cover of "harpers bazaar" magazine next month. britney pretending to be demi moore. yes naked and pregnant. you might think, "how nice. what a wonderful way to capture a great part of being a woman." and yes, it is kinda wonderful. except for the fact that the picture is photoshopped to death. remember the interview britney did w/ matt lauer like a month ago? her face was all puffy and her hair didn't even looked like it was brushed in the back. well here is what she looks like now, supposively. does she really expect people to think she really looks like that in person? 'cause we all know from that interview, she don't. on the news, they showed the cover that demi moore did years ago and at least it looked real. i mean, the woman even had a dimple on her thigh, not smooth like this. it's pathetic.
she became a pop princess, sold millions of albums and has millions of dollars. and that's great. but to keep basking in the glory that you once was is not great. she should just take her millions and just move back to louisiana and become the housewife she so is. you are not a pop princess anymore, wake up.
Thursday, June 29
the view
as everyone already knows, star jones has left "the view". that sucks. i've never watched the show, but i really wanted to see her and rosie go at it when rosie joined in september. oh well! now they are down one person. hello view!! hire me! i'm young and hip and definitely have a voice. i know they have one young person already, elizabeth. but, isn't she in her 30s? i'm in my 20s. it would be a nice refreshing change. to have a lady in each age group, more variety. so, if you are looking for a new person, look no farther.
Thursday, April 6
the best mascara in the world
i now know what the best mascara in the world is and i'm gonna share w/ you. it's avons daring definition mousse mascara!! from the second you unscrew the top and pull out the brush you know you're gonna love it. and, yes this is even before you put it on. it's so creamy and not at all clumpy. it glides on your lashes and does what it's suppose to do...define. i have such short eyelashes, but you would think i had on a pair of really great false lashes after i put this mascara on. it's the best!! for those of you that don't have an avon lady to get this amazing mascara...don't fret. my mom sells it and you can contact her at
Tuesday, March 14
is it the site or the people?
so, i belong to myspace. it's a pretty cool site. you get to get back in contact with old friends and even make some new ones. i've gotten back in contact w/ a bunch of people from high school and even one person who i haven't seen since 8th grade. it's pretty neat. i'm sure most of you already know what myspace is but for those who don't, it's kinda like this, but w/ everything on one page...your profile, your blog section, comment section...stuff like that. the best part is the old friend thing, considering alot of us don't live in the same town anymore and some of us, like me, don't even live in the same state anymore. but and there's always a but, i don't think you can have an intellectual conversation there. it's either the site or my friends. case in point, i posted a blog about soulmates. do you believe in them? or not, and your reason. i'll admit it, i'm kinda obsessed with the topic of soulmates. i love to think about it and hear peoples' reasons of why they do or don't and especially if they meet their soulmate. i definitely believe in them, i haven't meet mine yet, but i just can't help but believe. so, i posted the blog and like 15 of my friends viewed the post, but only 1 person responded. now i know, it was my friends who viewed it because at myspace you can decided who reads your blog: public, friends or select people. i chose friends. and, it's not like it's a touchy subject. so, why only 1 response? do i not have intellectual friends or is it just myspace. the site alone is kinda aimed at younger people, but me and my friends are all around the same age...the range is like 19-26. i posted a blog here a few months ago about the subject of soulmates and once again, only got 1 response. it was a stranger, but he gave a really good response. do people just not like this topic? if you want to share your thoughts...please do. ciao!
Monday, March 6
and the oscar goes to...
that's right...everyone's favorite night of awards was on tonite. the 78th annual academy awards. jon stewart was the host and in my opinion, he did a really great job. a little nervous at first, he had some really funny jokes. another funny part was when ben stiller came out in the green leotard. there was some really nice fashions and some really bad fashions. also, there were alot of ladies that wore green dresses. i counted like 4 myself. here is my list of best dressed and not-so-best dressed.
reese witherspoon---her dress was one of my favorites...very southern belle
salma hayek---lovely colored perfect on her
jennifer garner---her dress was so pretty and the way she handled her little trip up to the microphone and then said "i do my own stunts." was just so cute
ziyi zhang---her dress was my absolute shimmered so much and just looked lovely
ludacris---he is only guy that just stuck out for me...he looked fabulous in his suit
not-so-best dressed
naomi watts---i've seen her look way better...her dress just looked too raggy
charlize theron---i loved her dress...but that huge bow on the left shoulder was just horrible...she could have done better
now the top 6 awards, everyone talks about.
best motion picture
"crash"---i was hoping this movie would win, i didn't see it, but i love movies when there are like 5 stories going on at once and somehow everyone is tied in. since all the buzz was around "brokeback mountain" i automatically discounted it for ever winning. i seriously think i was as shocked as they were when they announced that "crash" won.
original song
"it's hard out here for a pimp"---i think this was a little shocking to alot of people, but it was the best song. the song from "crash" was a little too slow in my opinion and the song from "transamerica" wasn't bad, but taraji p. henson had such a fabulous voice, there was noway they couldn't give them the award for best song. i actually had goosebumps after she sang. and, i don't even really like rap music. i'm so happy the academy actually went above and beyond with this award. they really gave it to the best person.
actor in a leading role
philip seymour hoffman---i didn't see "capote", but after seeing the clips for it, i was hoping so much that he would win. the voice alone was such a big change from his regular voice. that's great acting for you. here's another category where people thought heath ledger from "brokeback mountain" would win. i didn't see that movie either, but the way he looked and sounded in that movie, i couldn't help but think that he sounded and kinda looked like the president. my mom thought the same thing. did anyone of you think that?
actress in a leading role
reese witherspoon---i'm happy she won...her acceptance speech was pure reese and from what i saw of the movie, she did do a great job. although, i do wish that keira knightley would've won instead. i did see "pride & prejudice" and thought she did a fabulous job as elizabeth bennet. very amazing movie...i'm kinda surprised it wasn't one of the movies up for a best picture award.
actor in a supporting role
george clooney---what can i say? he's as an amazing actor as he is good-looking.
actress in a supporting role
rachel weisz---from what i read, people had her pegged as winning, so this wasn't shocking. makes me want to see the movie even more now.
well...that's it. i think the most shocking was that "brokeback mountain" didn't win as many awards as people had intended it would, but the movie still managed to win "original score", "adapted screenplay" and "directing". that's still pretty good. from "crash" winning "best picture" to "it's hard out here for a pimp" winning "original song"...this years' oscar just proved that even the underdog has a chance at winning a little gold.
reese witherspoon---her dress was one of my favorites...very southern belle
salma hayek---lovely colored perfect on her
jennifer garner---her dress was so pretty and the way she handled her little trip up to the microphone and then said "i do my own stunts." was just so cute
ziyi zhang---her dress was my absolute shimmered so much and just looked lovely
ludacris---he is only guy that just stuck out for me...he looked fabulous in his suit
not-so-best dressed
naomi watts---i've seen her look way better...her dress just looked too raggy
charlize theron---i loved her dress...but that huge bow on the left shoulder was just horrible...she could have done better
now the top 6 awards, everyone talks about.
best motion picture
"crash"---i was hoping this movie would win, i didn't see it, but i love movies when there are like 5 stories going on at once and somehow everyone is tied in. since all the buzz was around "brokeback mountain" i automatically discounted it for ever winning. i seriously think i was as shocked as they were when they announced that "crash" won.
original song
"it's hard out here for a pimp"---i think this was a little shocking to alot of people, but it was the best song. the song from "crash" was a little too slow in my opinion and the song from "transamerica" wasn't bad, but taraji p. henson had such a fabulous voice, there was noway they couldn't give them the award for best song. i actually had goosebumps after she sang. and, i don't even really like rap music. i'm so happy the academy actually went above and beyond with this award. they really gave it to the best person.
actor in a leading role
philip seymour hoffman---i didn't see "capote", but after seeing the clips for it, i was hoping so much that he would win. the voice alone was such a big change from his regular voice. that's great acting for you. here's another category where people thought heath ledger from "brokeback mountain" would win. i didn't see that movie either, but the way he looked and sounded in that movie, i couldn't help but think that he sounded and kinda looked like the president. my mom thought the same thing. did anyone of you think that?
actress in a leading role
reese witherspoon---i'm happy she won...her acceptance speech was pure reese and from what i saw of the movie, she did do a great job. although, i do wish that keira knightley would've won instead. i did see "pride & prejudice" and thought she did a fabulous job as elizabeth bennet. very amazing movie...i'm kinda surprised it wasn't one of the movies up for a best picture award.
actor in a supporting role
george clooney---what can i say? he's as an amazing actor as he is good-looking.
actress in a supporting role
rachel weisz---from what i read, people had her pegged as winning, so this wasn't shocking. makes me want to see the movie even more now.
well...that's it. i think the most shocking was that "brokeback mountain" didn't win as many awards as people had intended it would, but the movie still managed to win "original score", "adapted screenplay" and "directing". that's still pretty good. from "crash" winning "best picture" to "it's hard out here for a pimp" winning "original song"...this years' oscar just proved that even the underdog has a chance at winning a little gold.
Saturday, February 18
one more post and then off to bed. i'm sooooo lost without my club pogo! my subscription ended today and i don't have the cash to renew. this could be a good thing in disguise though. i did spend way too much on there. and now that i don't have it anymore i might actually get my life in order. hmmm...i'm still lost though. television and online gaming are tickets to a life unlived. you know? you just sit there watching or playing and then you blink and like 5 hours have passed. it's sad. oh well...that's all for now. so tired. good nite!! ciao!!
ok...i'm confused, pissed and a little jealous.
confused because for two days now i have been searching almost every online job finder i can search. i'm not looking for anything big, just a simple receptionist/secretary job. part time or full time...temp. or permanent. but, please tell me why with most of them i need a business degree? i have done this type of work in the past. it's definitely not something you need a degree in. it's simple...very simple. let's put it this way. if i went to a 2 or 4-year college and the only job i could get with my degree is a receptionist/secretary job, i would be majorly pissed!! i would feel like i totally wasted 2 or 4 years of my life and a hell of alot of money.
pissed because of the above. if i have the requirements for the job, i should be able to get said job.
and, a little jealous because i keep hearing about bloggers who are getting very nice book deals from their blog. i shouldn't be jealous but happy but i can't help it. i wish i could get a book deal. not to brag, because i definitely don't like doing that, but i have been told by alot of people that i'm a good writer. maybe i should start writing more. i have ideas...i just need to get them down.
okay...not jealous anymore. i thought about it and realized i shouldn't be jealous over something someone got from working their ass off. i need to remember that good things in life just don't get handed over to someone who doesn't do the work. ciao!!
confused because for two days now i have been searching almost every online job finder i can search. i'm not looking for anything big, just a simple receptionist/secretary job. part time or full time...temp. or permanent. but, please tell me why with most of them i need a business degree? i have done this type of work in the past. it's definitely not something you need a degree in. it's simple...very simple. let's put it this way. if i went to a 2 or 4-year college and the only job i could get with my degree is a receptionist/secretary job, i would be majorly pissed!! i would feel like i totally wasted 2 or 4 years of my life and a hell of alot of money.
pissed because of the above. if i have the requirements for the job, i should be able to get said job.
and, a little jealous because i keep hearing about bloggers who are getting very nice book deals from their blog. i shouldn't be jealous but happy but i can't help it. i wish i could get a book deal. not to brag, because i definitely don't like doing that, but i have been told by alot of people that i'm a good writer. maybe i should start writing more. i have ideas...i just need to get them down.
okay...not jealous anymore. i thought about it and realized i shouldn't be jealous over something someone got from working their ass off. i need to remember that good things in life just don't get handed over to someone who doesn't do the work. ciao!!
Thursday, February 16
sorry for the lack of posts. not much has been going on here. just the usual. still looking for a job. trying to get a secretarial job. i'm a great typer! there is just nothing in the newspapers! i think i'm just going to go to a temp agency for now...just to get my foot in the door. wish me luck!
my brothers b-day just passed. he turned 24! such a busy day. my mom and i just baked and cooked almost all day. it all turned out nice though.
now it is raining. i love the rain! that's it for now. ciao!
my brothers b-day just passed. he turned 24! such a busy day. my mom and i just baked and cooked almost all day. it all turned out nice though.
now it is raining. i love the rain! that's it for now. ciao!
Saturday, January 21
lovely leather jacket
Wednesday, January 18
i really hate being sick
ick...i have a cold...i have had it for about a week now. it's horrible. my right side of my nose is completely blocked and so is my right ear. can't pop it for the life of me. i have almost gone through a box of puffs in less than a week. at least it's not the flu. that would've been worse. these are the times that i wish i had a laptop. i couldn't go on the computer at all yesterday, which is like horrible for me. the worst part is that you can't go outside. you can, but you just get worse, like i did. it's one thing to not want to go out, but when you can't...ick. all you can do is just lay in bed, staring at the walls and the ceiling. not fun at all! i am getting a little better though as you can tell or i wouldn't be here writing this. sorry if this is all brain doesn't work well with a cold. well...back to bed for me. ciao!
Monday, January 16
which guitarist are you?
You are Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd, a wonderful
acoustic and electric guitarist. Known for the
psychedelic sounds that came to be associated
with the Pink Floyd's early music.
Which of these amazing guitarists are you most like?
brought to you by
Tuesday, January 3
well, it never rains in southern california
good song...i have no idea who does it though. of course, when you hear it and your not from southern california you think "wow...can't be true." i did anyway. well...i still have never been there but after today i definitely believe it. and if anyone else thought the same thing i did when hearing that song they would all be believers that it never does rain in southern california. but, only if they watched the rose parade on hgtv. my God...those announcers talked about the rain like every minute. it was like the equivalent of someone seeing a holy statue cry for the first time...which i never saw either but i think you get my point. it was like a phenomenon for them. at one point...some high school band was doing the santana song "evil ways" and they did it really good. but, one of the announcers goes "santana song. you've got to change your evil ways. they must be talking about the rain." i swear...that's what he said...word for word. it was really getting to the point that i wanted to change channels but they really have the best coverage and no commercials. they commented on everything from the flowers staying nice and beautiful to some ladys' hair and how it was staying its shape with the rain. it was just annoying and noone else seem to be bothered by the "evil" rain. not the people in the stands...who had those plastic ponchos on but giant smiles and cheering and just enjoying every minute. nor the people in the parade, not the wavers or the band members or the cheerleaders. they all had giant smiles and seemed to really care less about the rain...just enjoying themselves. the thing that was most annoying is at the end of the parade when they go in on the announcers, they were perfectly dry and their hair and make-up was perfect also, not runny or weathered down like most of the people. then they left the cameras on them for a bit and the first thing they said was about the friggin' rain...just ridiculous. all in all was a really nice parade. it's just amazing how they make the colors on the floats from flowers and spices. they had one float from some city in california...can't remember where, but it had a water fountain and on the base of the fountain they had these paintings around it and they really looked like oil paintings and it was done with spices...absolutely amazing. those people do such a great job on them. i already can't wait to next year...i just hope it doesn't rain. ciao!!
harry potter movie pins

just to let you all know i put some pins up for sale on ebay. as you can see...there are 4 of them and they were used to promote harry potter's first adventure..."harry potter and the sorcerer's stone". they are really cute pins and perfect for any fan of harry potter. so...if you or someone you know loves harry potter check them out. thank you!! ciao!!
p.s. if you click on the title of this will bring you to the page on ebay. :)
Sunday, January 1
happy new years!!!!!!!
happy new years all!!! i really have a feeling that is going to be a great year. can't be any worse than last year. actually...last year wasn't that bad but it could've been better. we even did an old tradition of my mom's mom of holding a sardine in your left hand and a dollar bill in your right. i really hope that works 'cause i've washed my hands like 20 times and i still smell some fish on my hand. yuck!!! i still haven't decided what i want my resolutions to be...will post when i got them figured out. so...hope you all have a great year!! ciao!!
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