Saturday, July 15

here comes the sun...

do da do do...ok enough singing. well, summer has been here for about a month and it's finally starting to kick in. it will be in the 90's all week. it started like 2 days ago. we have been making dinners in the toaster oven, 'cause it is too damn hot to put the regular oven on. which sucks. i am craving french fries!!! i swear i can eat them every day. please let some coolness come so i can have french fries!

the #1 thing that pisses me off more than the summer heat, is the local weather people letting us know how hot it is. "well it's a scorcher today. better stay inside. you do not want to be outside today with these temperatures." and so on. like we don't know how hot it is. i swear they must think we are stupid. and it happens every single year. ridiculous!!

so, here is to cooler weather and less stupid weather people. cheers!!

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