Tuesday, September 19

ooo...that smell

have you ever been outside right before a rainfall or a snowfall and the air has a certain smell to it? like you know it's gonna rain or snow soon. they each have different scents by the way. but you know, like you sniff and say "hmm...gonna rain soon" or "hmm...gonna snow soon". you just know. well tonite when i was walking out of the grocery store the air had that scent to it. i got in the car and said to my mom, "wanna hear something strange?". "ok". "the air smells like snow." she was now as perplexed as me. okay...it did get cooler here, way cooler. it was in the 80's on friday and today, tuesday, it only reached mid 50. that is a 25-30 degress difference, but the smell of snow in the air. strange. she noticed it when we got home. right now, it's 49, but still not cold enough for snow. too early too! they said it was gonna rain and i would understand the smell of rain in the air, but not snow. i like snow, but it's way too early! i don't think it's gonna snow, it was just way too strange. had to share. ciao!

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