Friday, December 30
it's that time of year again!
2005 resolutions
1. learn to play the guitar.
(this one will have to be carried over. i want to learn how to play so badly. i just love the guitar. it's acoustic, but what better way to learn. spend way too much time on the computer though...will have to cut that out)
2. learn to speak & write french.
(i'm actually doing pretty good on this one, probably cause i use the computer to learn. is a great place if you want to learn a language. they have alot of lessons to help you. my dad keeps bitching at me about this one though, saying i should learn spanish. it will help me in the workfield, blah, blah, blah. but, honestly, if that's one of the requirements for getting a job in america then i don't want it, french included. i'm learning for the joy. it sounds so beautiful. one time i was listening to a french station on internet radio and this commercial came on and i didn't understand what they were talking about, but it was so beautiful. at the end of the commercial though they said in english about recycling your garbage. i mean, if a language can make garbage sound beautiful it can make anything sound great.)
3. get license.
(i actually completed this one. got it on march 15th. am so happy too. i love driving. not so much on the highways, they go 70 here!! but learning.)
4. get healthier.
(it always used to be "lose weight" and that never worked out so i decided to go with "get healthier", since it's not just putting emphasis on losing weight but a full mind, body and soul workover. it's working too! while i still eat pizza and snacks like they are the last foods on earth, i have lost a few pounds!! i started doing yoga too! i love it! it's so easy to do and while you are doing it, you don't even realize how it's helping. if you go to you can get this yoga ab exercises and they are great! i was doing them for awhile, then quit for some reason but am doing them again. i do them 3 days a week and started last monday. it takes like 30 mins to do the set and the time just flies by. and, seriously, i cannot stress this really doesn't feel like exercising. well...the next day, i woke up and my stomach felt like i did like 1,000 sit-ups. you know how your stomach muscles just feel like ouch and when you laugh it hurts. that's how i felt. by wednesday i was good to do the set again. it really works and once again, does not feel like exercise. try it!! go to and look for yoga/ab exercises. they usually have pics of the exerciser and she is wearing all white. hope you can find it. also...when i use to do sit-ups they use to kill my back and i can do this yoga set with no harm to my back and you are on your back for 4 of the 10 exercises. that's truth that it works!!)
5. get organized.
(i'm gonna cross this one because i'm as organized as i can possibly get. while it wouldn't work with most peoples' standards and would most likely horrify the designers from the show "mission organization" (good show, by the way), it works for me and yes, i know where everything is in my room. so...goodbye to number 5!!)
6. be able to do a handstand.
(this is a quirky one of mine. i would just love to be able to do this. maybe if i actually stick to the yoga all the way to the end of 2006 i will be able to do this. have to stick w/ the yoga.)
ok...those were my resolutions for 2005. and, i completed 2 out of 6. that's good, for me anyway. got think about 2006 now. will post those when i have them figured out. ciao!!
Sunday, December 25
Merry Christmas!!
Monday, December 19
things are looking up...maybe
Friday, December 16
the first fall of winter
Wednesday, December 14
all you need is color
what color is your heart?
Your Heart Is Purple |
For you, love is about establishing and developing a deep connection. If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength. Your flirting style: Sincere Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive What you bring to relationships: Understanding |
Tuesday, December 6
happy december!
hooray hooray i am happy today
Tuesday, November 29
12 hours and counting...
Thursday, November 24
happy thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving?
Thursday, November 17
something you don't hear or see everyday
Wednesday, November 16
fox sucks
1. "that 70's show"---i do really like that show, but i was amazed when i heard that the season premiere was coming up. i thought it was gone already. and, the fact that eric and soon kelso will be gone...hello? this show is based on a kid (eric) and his friends...with eric gone, is it really going to survive a whole season?
2. "futurama"---really, really great show. it was done by the creator of "the simpsons" for God sakes. why cancel that?
3. "prison break" be honest...i never saw this show, but do we really need another drama? no...we don't.
i think that's it...i don't really have the time to waste thinking how they screwed up...but, you get my point. they have to bring "arrested development" back!!!!! ciao!
Tuesday, November 15
crazy weather
2 hours
Wednesday, November 9
kate is back
time for a change---pt. 2
so...i'm not at all as money-hungry as i sound. i would never, ever date or even marry a man for just his money. that's not love. that's just greed. and i'm definitely not greedy. just ask my family...i'm constantly doing favors for them (and asking nothing in return, but if they offer...i usually take it). it just makes life a way. definitely wouldn't determine my love for someone...especially if we were soul mates. we could be living in a studio apartment, sleeping on the floor, cold as hell and it would be heaven 'cause it would be the man i was meant to be with. now...that's love.
and...when i say i'm mostly means that i have a shit-load of stuff to do and just put it off until last minute. like now. i have to load the dishwasher, wash the stuff i can't put in the dishwasher by hand, clean the stove and fold clothes. this will all be done within 1/2 hour of me going to sleep...last minute. maybe it's not even laziness, but oh...can't think of the word. begins with a "p"...oh had to go ask mom. PROCRASTINATION!!! yep...that's it. all i could think of was "protaganist" and i knew that definitely wasn't it. so...i'm not lazy (all the time), i'm just a procrastinator.
so there it 2. ciao!!
music question
Tuesday, November 8
time for a change
1. be a wife to a wonderful, rich (money and culture) guy...really, really rich...
2. something in the art field (love, love, love painting, drawing, creating & i'm really good at it)
3. something in the music field (can't live w/out...i'm listening to music as i write this...ironically the song is "money" by pink floyd. gotta love money...the song too :)...)
4. bartender (for some reason...i have always wanted to do that...eventhough i can't drink...which i guess would be good for job reasons)
5. possibly a teacher ( least i'd get the summer off)
6. psychiatrist (although i probably need one more than becoming one, but i am a great listener)
7. chronic prayer and pray that someone i know and love alot, really alot wins the lottery.
i think that's it. okay the truth is i want a job that's easy and w/ really good pay. i'm lazy. too lazy. i'm a libra after all. don't hold it against me. maybe i should change that...but those are job things that i would be happy, really happy with. i don't see myself being an accountant...too many numbers and i am so not good at math. or a lawyer...too much learning. or a doctor...blood makes me queasy. so...we'll see. i do have a couple of months to decide.
also...i want to start exercising more and eating a little bit healthier. i actually have tried yoga and i loved it...started to really see results and then quit. don't ask why. i tend to do that. gotta keep going. and i can't help but eat more than 2 chocolate chip cookies when the damn bag is opened in front of me. (like my mom says..."gotta love those elves!") amen to that!
gotta find a hair color and stick with it before my hair falls out. for the first time of dying my hair for the past 14 years it felt real dry. not good. maybe it was because i dyed it 3 times in a month, but either way...i need my hair. don't love it...was really long...couldn't stand it so i cut my hair myself and gave myself layers and now my hair just looks like shit!!!! (i suggest if you don't know how to cut hair...definitely don't do your own.) so i'm trying to grow it out and deciding do i want to keep the black or go blonde, brown or maybe red. choices...i hate making them.
gotta try and get out more in hopes that i find my soul mate...he's out there somewhere, i know it. and, my parents are convinced he's just not gonna knock on my door and profess his love for me. being out of work for a year can really make you a homebody. it's not like i never go out...i go shopping and to the mall for more shopping and to the movies...but he's not there. so...i have to start going to other places like...the museum and cafes around town. i'm starting to think w/ places i want to go...instead of finding a rich, cultural person, i'm gonna find a slacker artist. hmm...but, if we are meant to be, so be it. and, w/ my list of job choices...i will most likely be a slacker artist's kismet!!
so...november is my month of change. hope you all have a great month and i will post my progress. ciao!!
Monday, October 31
happy halloween!

happy halloween everyone! this is one of my favorite holidays. so spooky and you gotta love the colors. i have my room painted a medium purple and hung amber (orange) lights around the room and it's soooo beautiful. those colors are so nice together. and in the living room we have purple, green and orange lights hung up. it really creates such a nice glow at night. so everyone, have fun, get alot of candy and be safe!! ciao!!
Thursday, October 27
sylvie update
note for all you people who think country living is great: it's not!!! it's for people who don't like or want contact with social situations. if you love that then the country is great for you. other people stay where you are. the grass is not greener on the other side. believe me...i know.
something about luck
You Are Balanced - Realist - Powerful |
You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally. You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go. Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control. Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow. You are a realist when it comes to luck. You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random. You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you... But you do your best to try to make your own luck. When it comes to who's in charge, it's you. Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler. You don't care much about what others think. But they better care what you think! |
Friday, October 21
happy birthday to me
Your Birthdate: October 21 |
Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. |
Thursday, October 13
ladybug paradise
Monday, October 3
i hate feeling sick
a few years back...i had to call out of work a couple of days before christmas because i had the flu and got yelled at by my now former boss who said "i would most definitely be working next christmas!" yeah, sorry i couldn't come to work and get everyone sick...i really tried but everytime i tried to stand i would fall back down...damn me for being weak and sick. i mean...i know it's busy during christmas season but to yell at someone because they had the flu is just ridiculous. he even told me my co-workers were mad at me, which wasn't even true...pathetic. so...last year during mid-october i gave my boss 6 1/2 weeks notice...alot i know...but i just wanted to make sure they had someone for the christmas season. i'm nice like that.
but...ever since i got yelled at for having the flu...i have this irrational fear of the flu. call it flu-phobia. i use to try and look on the bright side of the flu, like you lose a few pounds with all the puking...weird i know...but i always get it in the stomach and that's all i do is puke during the gotta try to look on that bright side. didn't get it last year 'cause i wasn't working and didn't have to be around all the sickies. thank God!! and i wish i could say i don't have to work this season but i have been out of work for almost a year and desperatly need money. so...flu shot this year. i hate needles but hate the flu more. ok...this is really, really long so i will wrap it up's to a healthy non-flu season! cheers!! :)
Saturday, October 1
happy october!!
Sunday, September 25
it's perfect!
Wednesday, September 21
britneys' new fragrance
britney and kevin are in a forest and while he is looking for her, she is up in a tree. when he walks past the tree it shows that she or he carved 'britney + kevin in a heart'. after he walks by she jumps down and starts running. he then notices and starts running after her and they are like sparkles just everywhere...really cute. she starts to talk about how he loves her and doesn't want to lose her 'cause she will be leaving soon to go on tour...just then he shoots her with an arrow and then they hug.
the part that isn't cute at all is that when they are embracing she turns her back to the camera...the arrow that he hits her with looks like a plunger. it's stuck to her back. a plunger...that's so not sexy. so...her fantasy is to be in the woods with kevin and have him stick a plunger to her back? very strange!
Monday, September 19
kate moss' scandal

kate moss---burberry ad

poor kate was caught in a drug scandal! she is one of my favorite models and since i have seen the pictures on the net, i'm not in denial anymore. i have said it before, not here, and i will say it again...she needs to drop that loser boyfriend of hers. i have never, even heard of him or his band until they hooked up. he's obviously using her to get in the spotlight and gain attention to his band. now i'm not saying this is all his fault and we all know that kate is a partier, but...i have been a fan of hers since she basically started and while she has done alot of crazy-model things, she has never been in a 'drug scandal'. so i do partially blame him...but she does need to get a brain and drop him!! she can do sooooo much better, she does not need this loser drug addict dragging her down. she's so's sad to see this happen to her...she's a great model!
Thursday, September 15
name of blog
Tuesday, September 13
music videos
1. dave matthews band--'dream girl': really cute video staring julia roberts who seems to be dreaming. i don't really care for the song...but the video is done really well. dave matthews is in a movie theater watching the video and he makes the cutest face when him and julia are about to kiss and just before they do...she wakes up. he's all start to get a big smile on his face and it just slowly fades...cute.
2. sheryl crow--'good is good': great video...i don't know who directed it but it's awesome. it's like black & white with some color thrown in and the images just keep changing throughout the video. you have to check it's beautiful. i really like the song too.
3. missy elliot--'lose control': i'm not a big fan of rap music, but i always love her videos. there are always so entertaining and the music is really good too. i can't wait for her next know it's going to be good.
well, that's it. check them out if you haven't already. bye!
Friday, September 9
washing dishes
i have a confession...
hello! my name is chandra and i'm addicted to caffeine. mainly coffee. it's more of a dependency to coffee than it is an addiction. like i don't get shaky and freak out if i don't have it. i didn't have any yesterday and today woke up with a massive sinus headache. my brow hurted so badly that i couldn't even move my eyes without wincing in pain. it sucked. if someone wanted me to look at something...i had to turn completely around. it was horrible! thank God i love coffee 'cause i obviously cannot quit. well...i can...but then i would be in pain and that would suck so i won't quit. hell...i quit smoking and that was bad enough. honestly it wasn't that bad, didn't want to quit but was forced by nature. i never got used to the change in elevation going from 72ft. to 772ft. and everytime i smoked i would get real dizzy and light-headed. not fun! and, yes, it was just cigarettes. so, now my only vice is coffee and it turns out coffee is actually good for you! ha ha take that all you people who said coffee was bad for me! it's not and i'm probably going to live longer 'cause of my love for coffee...tea too! probably the only 2 things i drink constantly. favorite tea is 'celestial seasonings madagascar vanilla red'...absolutely perfect...mmm!! going to have one now!! bye!!
Wednesday, September 7
who's the true you?
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
it had to be done
Tuesday, September 6
the worst has happened (to me)
Monday, September 5
let's do some deep thinking
happy labor day
so, on that note, enjoy the holiday and the food. ;)