Tuesday, May 21

Role Models

Let's talk about role models.  There was, maybe still is, a lot of flack for Disney revamping Merida from the movie "Brave".  A lot of moms saying how the new image is more sexy and grown-up and how it's setting a bad example for their children as a role model.  Wait?  Hold on!  Back up there!  Setting a bad example for their children as a role model?  A role model?  Am I missing something?  I thought Merida was a cartoon character.  Let me look it up.  *few seconds later*  Wow!  Guess what?  She is!  Merida is a cartoon character.  I repeat.  A cartoon character!  

Role models should not be cartoon characters but real life people!  My role models were and still are, my parents!  Little girls should look no further than their own family to look for role models.  It boggles my mind that some parents are really up in arms about this Merida revamp.  I do agree that there was no need for them to re-style the character but do parents seriously think that their little girls will think they aren't worth it if they aren't as beautiful as a cartoon character?  

When I was growing up I loved Barbie and Disney movies.  I'm 33 now and I never once had an eating disorder or thought I wasn't perfect because I wasn't tall and thin like my dolls.  But, like I said, I had two amazing role models right next to me.  My mom and dad.  They always told me how beautiful I was and how special I am and how proud there are of me.  They tell me this stuff to this day.  

I'm not a parent but I was a kid and believe me, little girls won't feel like they are any less beautiful unless you tell them otherwise.  Revamping a cartoon character will not put anything into their heads until you put it there. Don't make a big deal out of it and it won't become a big deal.  It's as simple as that.  

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