Monday, April 8

it's been so damn long

i don't want to say i completely forgot about this blog but i kinda did.  i think it's been 4 years since i last posted anything.  some things have changed, others haven't.  

i, unfortunately, still don't have a job but i am starting to work on making jewelry!  i love it.  i found out about polymer clay from a facebook friend and decided to check it out.  it's so much fun!  i'm not that great at it just yet but i'm doing my best.  i even sold a pair of earrings on ebay!  if that doesn't make a gal feel good, i'm not sure what does.  lol

sadly, our 2 cats, conan o'brien and monique katrina passed away.  conan died on thanksgiving day 2010 and monique died in august 2011.  it was so heart-breaking to lose both cats within a year.  i wanted to hold off getting any cats for a long time.  one, i couldn't deal w/ the heartbreak and two, my mom and i both are kinda allergic to them.  it's not life-threatening but it's annoying.  can easily be taken care of w/ an allergy pill so like i said, it's not the worst of allergies.  but, my mom, who i swear you cannot say no to, decided that she wanted another cat almost immediately after monique died.  she just had to have another cat in this house.  so after searching all over, she finally found one on craigslist.  her and my brother went to pick it up while i stayed home enjoying the last final minutes of a clean and quiet house.  cats are messy and crazy.  she comes home and i look in the carrier and not see one but TWO, TWO CATS!!!  what? what? what?  she said ONE!!!  le sigh  we named the one cat jimmy and the other cat was named by my dad since he was even less happy than me that mom brought home two cats.  he likes "the big bang theory" so he named the cat sheldon since he thought it was a male.  it's not but the name seems perfect for her.  she's so petite, even now 2 1/2 years since my mom brought her home.  holding jimmy is like holding a baby, he's so big but not fat.  like conan was my baby so is jimmy.  i call him a stalker sometimes 'cause he'll just follow me from room to room.  lol  i love them! ♥  i never thought i could love another cat after my baby, conan, died.  it was just so heart-breaking.  have to stop talking about it or the tears will come.  also, we got the cats the day before my birthday.  it was nice.

we had to stop cable for a bit and invested in netflix, hulu and a few roku boxes.  OMG  i love my roku box!  ♥  we got cable again a few months ago and when my mom asked me if i wanted a box for my room, i declined.  with netflix, hulu, pandora and crunchyroll, my tv viewing time is set!  i need nothing more.

what else has changed?  hmm  i feel like a bunch has changed but maybe not?  i stopped dying my hair.  it was getting too much to have to dye it once a month.  my hair never seems to grow until i dye it.  then bam hair starts flowing from my scalp.  so annoying.

i'm still single but i've made my peace w/ it.  one day that time will come and i'll be ready but for now, i'll still work on perfecting myself.  right now, i don't think i'm in a good place to even have a relationship.  it's all good though.  and i'm serious about that.  ^_^

i lost 50 pounds!  a few Christmases ago, me and my brother went in and got the wii fit.  i couldn't believe when it weighed me and said i was way over 200 pounds.  i knew i was fat but damn!  that definitely made me get my ass in gear.  i have slacked off a bit since then but i still haven't gone back above 200.  so, that's good.  now that spring has sprung i'll get back into it again.

oh, about a month and a half before conan baby died, my mom broke her chest bone.  :(  it was horrible!  she didn't have to get surgery but she had to sleep sitting up for almost a month!  she slept in the living room, on her chair.  she's all better now but it was rough for her.

i think that's it.  some good, some bad.  that's life for you though.  i think overall though, in these past 4 years, there have definitely been more good than bad so that's awesome!  will try to post more but no promises. lol  ♥

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