Sunday, September 25
it's perfect!
Wednesday, September 21
britneys' new fragrance
britney and kevin are in a forest and while he is looking for her, she is up in a tree. when he walks past the tree it shows that she or he carved 'britney + kevin in a heart'. after he walks by she jumps down and starts running. he then notices and starts running after her and they are like sparkles just everywhere...really cute. she starts to talk about how he loves her and doesn't want to lose her 'cause she will be leaving soon to go on tour...just then he shoots her with an arrow and then they hug.
the part that isn't cute at all is that when they are embracing she turns her back to the camera...the arrow that he hits her with looks like a plunger. it's stuck to her back. a plunger...that's so not sexy. so...her fantasy is to be in the woods with kevin and have him stick a plunger to her back? very strange!
Monday, September 19
kate moss' scandal

kate moss---burberry ad

poor kate was caught in a drug scandal! she is one of my favorite models and since i have seen the pictures on the net, i'm not in denial anymore. i have said it before, not here, and i will say it again...she needs to drop that loser boyfriend of hers. i have never, even heard of him or his band until they hooked up. he's obviously using her to get in the spotlight and gain attention to his band. now i'm not saying this is all his fault and we all know that kate is a partier, but...i have been a fan of hers since she basically started and while she has done alot of crazy-model things, she has never been in a 'drug scandal'. so i do partially blame him...but she does need to get a brain and drop him!! she can do sooooo much better, she does not need this loser drug addict dragging her down. she's so's sad to see this happen to her...she's a great model!
Thursday, September 15
name of blog
Tuesday, September 13
music videos
1. dave matthews band--'dream girl': really cute video staring julia roberts who seems to be dreaming. i don't really care for the song...but the video is done really well. dave matthews is in a movie theater watching the video and he makes the cutest face when him and julia are about to kiss and just before they do...she wakes up. he's all start to get a big smile on his face and it just slowly fades...cute.
2. sheryl crow--'good is good': great video...i don't know who directed it but it's awesome. it's like black & white with some color thrown in and the images just keep changing throughout the video. you have to check it's beautiful. i really like the song too.
3. missy elliot--'lose control': i'm not a big fan of rap music, but i always love her videos. there are always so entertaining and the music is really good too. i can't wait for her next know it's going to be good.
well, that's it. check them out if you haven't already. bye!
Friday, September 9
washing dishes
i have a confession...
hello! my name is chandra and i'm addicted to caffeine. mainly coffee. it's more of a dependency to coffee than it is an addiction. like i don't get shaky and freak out if i don't have it. i didn't have any yesterday and today woke up with a massive sinus headache. my brow hurted so badly that i couldn't even move my eyes without wincing in pain. it sucked. if someone wanted me to look at something...i had to turn completely around. it was horrible! thank God i love coffee 'cause i obviously cannot quit. well...i can...but then i would be in pain and that would suck so i won't quit. hell...i quit smoking and that was bad enough. honestly it wasn't that bad, didn't want to quit but was forced by nature. i never got used to the change in elevation going from 72ft. to 772ft. and everytime i smoked i would get real dizzy and light-headed. not fun! and, yes, it was just cigarettes. so, now my only vice is coffee and it turns out coffee is actually good for you! ha ha take that all you people who said coffee was bad for me! it's not and i'm probably going to live longer 'cause of my love for coffee...tea too! probably the only 2 things i drink constantly. favorite tea is 'celestial seasonings madagascar vanilla red'...absolutely perfect...mmm!! going to have one now!! bye!!
Wednesday, September 7
who's the true you?
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
it had to be done
Tuesday, September 6
the worst has happened (to me)
Monday, September 5
let's do some deep thinking
happy labor day
so, on that note, enjoy the holiday and the food. ;)