Hello! Finally had a chance to try the Nescafé w/ Coffee-mate. In fact, thanks to Smiley360, I had a chance to try all 3 flavors. It comes in French Vanilla, Hazelnut and Sweet & Creamy Original.
The Sweet & Creamy Original kind of reminded me of the original Maxwell House International Cafe. I do feel that the Necafé w/ Coffee-mate Sweet & Creamy Original is a better deal since instead of 4-9ounces, you get 12 ounces for pretty much the same deal. You definitely should try it out if you like the Maxwell House International Cafe.
he French Vanilla was nice and mellow. The vanilla flavoring was perfect, not too overpowering at all.
My favorite though has to be the Hazelnut. The hazelnut flavoring was just right. Goldilocks would definitely approve...lol It was as if I was having a regular coffee with hazelnut creamer. It was perfect!
Seriously though, all 3 flavors are great. It really depends on what you like. No matter what you decide, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
To make it, all you need is hot water and 2 tbsp. of your preferred kind. Easy, right? The measurements are for a 6-8 oz mug. My mug was a little bigger so I added an extra tbsp. and it was awesome. I also added a bit of half & half to it to cool it down a bit. You definitely don't have to add any milk since it's already added but it doesn't take away from the flavor. It just cools it down.
If you already had the chance to try it, what flavor was your favorite?
All opinions are my own. I received these products for free from Smiley360 for testing and review purposes.
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