Saturday, June 27

Hi! I'm a PC and...

apparently my pixie for WeatherPixie is a Mac. She's dressed in her apple shirt and has her apple Macbook in her hand! I'm jealous! LOL :D

Have you ever noticed on cartoons/anime the characters always have a version of a Mac? Seriously, I can't find any pics but if I do I will post them. Like, one cartoon or anime, I can't remember which, the character had a laptop but it was a pineapple on the cover instead of an apple of course. It cracked me up! Check it out next time you watch a cartoon or anime!

I getting really sleepy, can you tell? So, good night! Ciao!! ^_^

Pet Society

Does anyone else out there play Pet Society on Facebook? I love that game/app! It's so cute! I've added so many friends on Facebook just for the sole purpose of having more pets to visit on Pet Society! They are on other apps too so it's not just for Pet Society but you know what I mean. I love it and everyone I've added has been so friendly and nice!

But, Pet Society, for those who don't know what I'm talking about is a game/app put out by Playfish where you get a pet and a house for the pet to live in. You can customize both your pet and your house to what you want! It's awesome! They recently added gardens to your house, so now you can grow fruits, vegetables, flowers and trees! It's a really cool game/app. Check it out! If you like YoVille or even Animal Crossing, I'm pretty sure you'll love Pet Society. It reminds me of those 2 games but w/ all animals! So cute! ^_^

If you click on the title of this post, it will bring you to the Pet Society website so you can read more about it! Ciao! ^_^

RIP Ed, Farrah and Michael :(

Well, this week we lost 3 celebrities. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. :( It almost always happens in 3's. Strange but true!

Ed McMahon was 86. No reports have been giving on cause of death. I loved him on Johnny Carson. He seemed like a sweet person.

Farrah Fawcett was 62. She died of cancer. I really wish they would find a cure for cancer already. All the money that they collect and still nothing. It's so sad and it just tears a person apart.

And, Michael Jackson was 50. He died of cardiac arrest. Whether or not you liked him, people try and be kind. One, it's not right to speak ill of the dead. Two, his family, friends and fans are grieving big time! If you never lost anyone close to you, count your blessings! If you did, then you know what I'm talking about! I was not a fan of him but once you lose someone close to you, all the bad stuff they did just flies out the window and you ONLY remember the good. So, be kind okay.

Like I said, I was not a fan of Michael Jackson but I was shocked to hear he died. I was like "really? the white black guy?". I was sleeping when my Mom came in and told me. She was shocked too kinda like everyone else is. I was a bit shocked about Ed McMahon, but with him being up in age it's almost inevitable. And, with Farrah, unfortunately cancer is a wrecking machine. It was sad but not very shocking.

Once again, my heart goes out to the loved ones of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I lost my Grandma in 2000 and I know what you're going through. And, while you might not believe this now, time really does heal all wounds. Stay strong! Ciao!!

Tuesday, June 23

How DO they decide...

who gets a star on the walk and who doesn't? 'Cause like I said in my last post Britney Spears has one and so does Garth Brooks, which I don't think either of them contributed THAT much to the recording industry BUT Led Zeppelin nor The Rolling Stones have one! And, it's not because they are "rock stars" 'cause Kiss and The Beatles have one! So, how DO they decide? I think and I'm sure ALOT of people will agree with me but Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones have contributed alot more to the recording industry than Britney Spears and Garth Brooks. I mean, The Rolling Stones are STILL putting out albums and touring and they've been around together for like 40 years! I'm sure they don't give two shits about it but it just irks me when REAL musicians get shafted. Like, how Led Zeppelin were never even nominated for a Grammy but they give them by the wheelbarrow full to the Britney Spears of the world. And, the majority of them don't even write their own songs! It just really, really irks me! It just shows how screwed up the people running these things are, especially the Grammy people! They don't know good, NO, AWESOME talent when they see it! I'm done ranting...sorry! :) Now, I'm really going to bed! lol Ciao!! ^_^


Cameron Diaz was awarded w/ a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today. Really? Don't get me wrong, I like her. I think she's a good actress but she's never even won an award. Go look it up on wikipedia. (I did.) She's been nominated for such but never won one. Also, she was never even nominated for an Oscar (the cream of the crop). So, why did she get a star? Do they just give them out to any celeb? I know it's sounds like I don't like her, I just thought they were reserved for the best of the best in film, music and the like. And, like I said, she's a good actress but I wouldn't call her "great" or "the best of the best". She's good.

You know what, I just looked up the Walk of Fame on wikipedia (love that site) and apparently they do give them to just any celeb because Britney Spears has one and personally, I don't think she should get one either. Actually, Cameron deserves it more than her!

Also, if you click on the title of the post, it will bring you to the Yahoo! story of Cameron getting the star.

The entertainment industry is weird. Off to bed w/ me! Nite! Ciao!! ^_^

Friday, June 19

PETA has Officially Lost it!

As if we didn't have enough proof that the people running PETA were crazy, this says it all! This is in response to President Obama killing a fly. Yes...a fly!

"We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

Ummm...Mr. Friedrich? A fly is NOT an animal! A fly is a disease carrying insect that throws up everytime it lands! I mean, if you're gonna stand up to the President for your "cause" at least sound somewhat intelligent! An animal?!?!?!?!? Seriously?

I'm all for vegetarians but this is ridiculous! PETA has just become a joke of themselves! I mean, almost everytime you hear about them in the news, it's just some ridiculous nonsense like this!

So, anyways....they are sending the President some fly-catching machine that catches flies and then you can release them outside. I'll personally stick to the fly swatter but whatever you can get for free, I say get it!

That quote is from an article I got at Yahoo! If you click on the title of this post, it will bring you to the article so you can read it in full! Ciao! ^_^