Dislikes (let's get these out of the way)
1. you can't add codes like in the gc version, it was so much easier & quicker to get the furniture sets you wanted.
2. i wish there was more to do in the city like maybe a casino, like they have in "my sims" for the ds. if it can be done on ds, i'm sure it can be done on the wii.
3. i wish there was more interaction w/ the animal folk like having bestfriends and go shopping together...ok, i don't know but it would be more fun, right? or, even changing THEIR hairstyles like in "my sims" for the wii. i mean, for crying out loud, the bus driver, Kapp'n, is always hitting on my gal but you can't have a bestfriend...lol
Likes (more like loves)
1. i like the way the town turns like in the wild world, which surprisingly, i didn't care for as much as this version and the gc one.
2. i love the way the moon reflects the real-world moon, the phases and everything.
3. the night sky is amazingly done, the way the stars twinkle and how it changes colors is so cool.
4. i love how you don't have to have anyone visit to get upgrades or places added to your town or city. that was always kind of a pain to me.
5. if i was doing these in order, than this one would definitely be number 1. YOU CAN LIVE ANYWHERE YOU WANT!!!! well, not exactly anywhere but you have 4 houses to choose from and they're spread out around the town...mine is on the beach! I didn't mind the gc version 'cause it was nicely done but the chooses are so cool! The ds version, where you shared one house was for the birds! I hated that! Especially, since it was me and my brother sharing the house and our styles clashed! lol But, the wii version takes the cake! A house on the beach, I always wanted one and while it might not happen in real life, at least I have it in "Animal Crossing: City Folk".
I definitely recommend the game for anyone, especially if you loved the gamecube version. It's a nice simple game w/ so much to do, collecting bugs, fish, artwork, fossils, furniture, etc... I have some pics of my gal and town.
There is my gal, Sylvie in her town of Villa...lol The full moon kinda reminds me of a panda face.
Sylvie in front of her house, just steps from the beach...lol