why ms. britney spears does!!! by now you have seen the pic that will soon grace the cover of "harpers bazaar" magazine next month. britney pretending to be demi moore. yes naked and pregnant. you might think, "how nice. what a wonderful way to capture a great part of being a woman." and yes, it is kinda wonderful. except for the fact that the picture is photoshopped to death. remember the interview britney did w/ matt lauer like a month ago? her face was all puffy and her hair didn't even looked like it was brushed in the back. well here is what she looks like now, supposively. does she really expect people to think she really looks like that in person? 'cause we all know from that interview, she don't. on the news, they showed the cover that demi moore did years ago and at least it looked real. i mean, the woman even had a dimple on her thigh, not smooth like this. it's pathetic.
she became a pop princess, sold millions of albums and has millions of dollars. and that's great. but to keep basking in the glory that you once was is not great. she should just take her millions and just move back to louisiana and become the housewife she so is. you are not a pop princess anymore, wake up.