ick...i have a cold...i have had it for about a week now. it's horrible. my right side of my nose is completely blocked and so is my right ear. can't pop it for the life of me. i have almost gone through a box of puffs in less than a week. at least it's not the flu. that would've been worse. these are the times that i wish i had a laptop. i couldn't go on the computer at all yesterday, which is like horrible for me. the worst part is that you can't go outside. you can, but you just get worse, like i did. it's one thing to not want to go out, but when you can't...ick. all you can do is just lay in bed, staring at the walls and the ceiling. not fun at all! i am getting a little better though as you can tell or i wouldn't be here writing this. sorry if this is all jumbled...my brain doesn't work well with a cold. well...back to bed for me. ciao!
You are Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd, a wonderful acoustic and electric guitarist. Known for the psychedelic sounds that came to be associated with the Pink Floyd's early music.
good song...i have no idea who does it though. of course, when you hear it and your not from southern california you think "wow...can't be true." i did anyway. well...i still have never been there but after today i definitely believe it. and if anyone else thought the same thing i did when hearing that song they would all be believers that it never does rain in southern california. but, only if they watched the rose parade on hgtv. my God...those announcers talked about the rain like every minute. it was like the equivalent of someone seeing a holy statue cry for the first time...which i never saw either but i think you get my point. it was like a phenomenon for them. at one point...some high school band was doing the santana song "evil ways" and they did it really good. but, one of the announcers goes "santana song. you've got to change your evil ways. they must be talking about the rain." i swear...that's what he said...word for word. it was really getting to the point that i wanted to change channels but they really have the best coverage and no commercials. they commented on everything from the flowers staying nice and beautiful to some ladys' hair and how it was staying its shape with the rain. it was just annoying and noone else seem to be bothered by the "evil" rain. not the people in the stands...who had those plastic ponchos on but giant smiles and cheering and just enjoying every minute. nor the people in the parade, not the wavers or the band members or the cheerleaders. they all had giant smiles and seemed to really care less about the rain...just enjoying themselves. the thing that was most annoying is at the end of the parade when they go in on the announcers, they were perfectly dry and their hair and make-up was perfect also, not runny or weathered down like most of the people. then they left the cameras on them for a bit and the first thing they said was about the friggin' rain...just ridiculous. all in all though...it was a really nice parade. it's just amazing how they make the colors on the floats from flowers and spices. they had one float from some city in california...can't remember where, but it had a water fountain and on the base of the fountain they had these paintings around it and they really looked like oil paintings and it was done with spices...absolutely amazing. those people do such a great job on them. i already can't wait to next year...i just hope it doesn't rain. ciao!!
just to let you all know i put some pins up for sale on ebay. as you can see...there are 4 of them and they were used to promote harry potter's first adventure..."harry potter and the sorcerer's stone". they are really cute pins and perfect for any fan of harry potter. so...if you or someone you know loves harry potter check them out. thank you!! ciao!!
p.s. if you click on the title of this post...it will bring you to the page on ebay. :)
happy new years all!!! i really have a feeling that is going to be a great year. hell...it can't be any worse than last year. actually...last year wasn't that bad but it could've been better. we even did an old tradition of my mom's mom of holding a sardine in your left hand and a dollar bill in your right. i really hope that works 'cause i've washed my hands like 20 times and i still smell some fish on my hand. yuck!!! i still haven't decided what i want my resolutions to be...will post when i got them figured out. so...hope you all have a great year!! ciao!!